Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What is the role of discipline in student life?

The word discipline itself is a derivative of discipulus meaning pupil in Latin root of which is a boy. Broadly, thus it means 'framing oneself when he/she is girl/boy. In practice, it can mean morality, normality, obedience, structuring time including allocation to different needs, bodily care and hygiene, dealing with others in a non-offensive way. Implicitly, this is understood that its for the purpose of acquiring knowledge and skills for living. In this sense, to get disciplined is being a student itself.
Of course, there is a structure at home too but one of the major things we learn at school is structuring time - distributing it in order of priority and dealing with other people who are not necessarily related to you. Thus the more disciplined you become better student you become - not only your knowledge acquisition and health is better (by eating properly in proper times)you also learn to live with others in society.
It also has meant the use of force - punishment - if not disciplined. In negative sense, it may also may mean the use of the exercise of power by adults to children. This, many agree doesn't help the learner. Corporal punishment has significantly decreased and educationists looking for ways to 'discipline' youngsters without using physical force. Now the insistence is thus on 'self-discipline' and teachers/ parents job is to find the ways of encouraging children to be self-disciplined as the use of force have not been so successful and incompatible with civilized society and democratic values.
New area of discipline has been the use of computer for gaming and watching television. Its a challenge for us all to discipline our children (and ourselves). Even in practical sense how to balance your browsing and your learning needs? At least, it demands from the side of parents and teachers that we are familiar with the need of learning and the scope of these gadgets!

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