Tuesday, December 7, 2010

importance of money

Well, how do you expect to become a success financially if you believe these things? You attract into your life what are thinking about and what you believe. If you think there is not enough money in this world for everyone you will never have enough money. That is called the Law of Attraction.

First of all, believing that "money doesn't grow on trees" is an example of what's called lack or scarcity programming. Our parents taught us that there was never enough money to go around, and that it was not readily available or abundant. But in truth, the universe is very abundant, and there is lots of money to go around for everyone. Just think what you could do if you have so much money how much your heart desires. What wonderful things you could do with it: travel to the countries you have always dreamt of, buy a house you even scared to think about it, attend meditation classes so you could spiritually grow, donate money to your favourite charity, spend more quality time with your family and the list goes on.

The key is to start thinking that you deserve the money and that there is lots of it available for you, and then you can start attracting it into your life. That's abundance thinking, which is the opposite of lack or scarcity thinking. When you start thinking about the abundance the Law of Attraction will do the rest. You do not need to know how it is going to happen just make the first step, first thought. Starting is already winning.

And what about thinking that "money is the root of all evil"? Can you really expect to become a success if you believe that money is the root of all evil? Unless you have a desire to be an evil person, your subconscious will not let you have money if you believe deep down that it is the root of all evil.

By the way, that quote is taken out of context in the first place. It was originally stated as "the love of money is the root of all evil". So it has nothing to do with the money itself.

Now that you understand that, you can start to think that money is in fact good. You can help people with money. You can stimulate the economy with money. Even the most kind-hearted spiritual person, who says they don't need money, can do more to make the world a better place with money than without it.

And what about thinking that "all rich people are greedy"? Well, that creates us versus them, whereby you have labeled all of "them" greedy in your mind. You, on the other hand, are very giving in your mind. That's why you don't have money, because you're not greedy.

Sure, there must be some rich people in the world who are greedy. But there are also poor people who are greedy. There are both rich and poor people who are very giving as well. The amount of money you have has nothing to do with these character traits.

In fact, a lot of rich people got there by not being greedy. Having a giving attitude opens up a flow of money that often brings them more. You will find the same thing... give away money joyfully to a friend, and notice that it comes back to you in some other form. The world needs to be a balance of give and take, and being joyful both as you give and receive will ensure that you always go with the flow.

And changing your mindset from what you were taught as a child to a healthier view of money will allow you to become the financial success you deserve to be, to become real you.

importance of bhaktpur

Bhaktapur, the “Ancient city of Asia” was previously known as “Bhatgaon”. “Bhat” means rice and “gaon” means village. Since the occupation of the natives were agriculture and rice was cultivated in a large percentage the place was so called as Bhatgaon. These days Bhatgaon has been replaced by Bhaktapur which literally means the “city of devotees”. “Bhakta” means devotee and “pur” means place or city. Bhaktapur is shaped like a “conch-shell” and is surrounded all over by Hanumanthe River. It is a small city within an area of 6.88 sq. km which lies 14 km east of Kathmandu. It is the linking city between Kathmandu and Nagarkot and Kathmandu and Changu Narayan. One can enter the city through many places. The main entrance is from the gate located near the parking area of the city. At the entrance, there are ancient water spouts and shelters which were originally designed for the traders in ancient days. On the way to the main city, there is a small temple built in a Fig tree. Fig is a rare tree which is not found in every part of the world. The specialty of this tree is it never dies, but these days they are being less in numbers. So it’s a good thing that one can still see these rare trees in Nepal and inside the Kathmandu Valley Itself.

Bhaktapur was founded in the 12th century by King Ananda Dev Malla and was designed in a form of a courtyard. The city was surrounded with tall walls so it is also called as “Walled city”. The basic purpose of building up walls was to protect the citizens and the city from enemies and intruders. When the city was planned, it was designed in a religious way. Eight Mother Goddesses - Asta Matrika were installed on eight geometrical corners of the city for the divine protection.

Bhaktapur is renowned for its unique traditions, colorful culture, fabulous festivals, stupendous arts and architecture and typical Newari lifestyle. Despite of continual invasions and natural calamity of 1934, Bhaktapur is still rich in arts on account of its majestic temples, monasteries and alluring palaces. The major population inside the city is of Newar community and a very less inhabited by the Bahun, Chettris and Shudra. The typical occupation of the people are Pottery making, weaving and farming which are still practiced in the same old manner passed through the generations since medieval eras.

The major attraction of Bhaktapur is the
Bhaktapur Durbar Square
. It is an incredible and beautiful example of Nepali craftsmanship. The main entrance to the
Durbar Square
is from the Lion Gate, which was built during the reign of King Bhuptindra Malla. The precincts of the
Durbar Square
is more spacious and less crowded with temples. Once the precincts of the square were massed with numbers of temples, but the great earthquake of 1934 destroyed most of the temples, monuments and even the 99courtyards of the Royal Palace. Near the Lion Gate, there are marvelous temples of Lord Rameshwor, Lord Badrinath, Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva. The major attractions of the square are the Royal Palace, the Palace with 55 windows and the Golden Gate carved with the images of Goddess Durga. These artifacts are the incredible examples of ancient architecture. Infront of the palace with 55 windows and the Golden gate, there is a statue of King Bhuptindra Malla in the act of worshipping, which is mounted on a stone pillar.

importance of business

A business plan is simply a resume for your proposed business. Its primary importance is that your business plan becomes your calling card. Anytime you are going in to talk to a property manager about leasing space for your business, or you are meeting with a potential lender or investor, your business plan will announce/outline who you are and what your purpose is.
In most cases, a business plan is created to explain and illustrate the vision you have for your business, and to persuade others to help you achieve that vision. To accomplish this, your plan will need to demonstrate on paper that you have a firm visualization of what your business is going to be. It needs to convince others that your business concept can be successful, and that you possess the expertise-alone or collectively-to assure that it will be both successful and profitable.
While it is obviously important to be able to present your business concept in a way that allows others to understand quickly and precisely what you hope to be doing, you also need to develop a business plan for your own use. The process of developing your business plan will require you to focus on exactly what you are trying to achieve, precisely where you want to be going, and exactly how you plan to get there. It will force you to detail the many expenses involved to open your business, the projected sales and monthly expenses of actual operation, and the volume of business you will need to generate to meet your obligations.
All of this information will greatly influence your many choices, including the kind of location you will be looking for.
Two Types of Business Plans
There are basically two types of business plans that we create for clients who are looking to open their own retail espresso operation. Both business plans are designed to help you develop your new business from conceptualization to opening day.
Once you are actively operating on a daily basis, both of these business plans will have achieved their purpose. From that point on, you will be gathering and measuring the actual performance data of your operation as the basis for planning your future.
The first type of business plan you will need is a Concept Presentation Plan.
Concept Presentation Plans are typically 10- to 24-pages long, and basically describe your business concept, products, principals (owners and key management), target market, trends in the industry, etc. This type of plan contains no financial projections or financial statements. Its primary purpose is to convince landlords and property managers that you have a sound and appealing business concept, and that you are interested in negotiating for the lease of an available space.
The second type of business plan is a Full Financial Business Plan.
Typically, you will need a Full Financial Business Plan to borrow money from a bank, or to entice investors to lend you money. Depending upon the contents, it can consist of anywhere from 25 to 100 pages of information. It can contain all the elements of the concept presentation plan, but primarily it examines in-depth what the total costs of your project will be, when the project will turn a profit, and what level of return you can expect.
Everyone who opens a retail business should have a full financial business plan completed before they open. It is probably more important for you, than anyone else, to be able to see the potential profit and loss for your proposed business. The extensive research which will be necessary to project expenses, sales, and profitability is essential to your understanding of the financial operation of your business. The importance of each of your management functions-setting menu prices, establishing cost of sales and expense budgets, creating sales goals-can only be appreciated when understood individually, and as they relate to the overall financial statement.
It is also very important for you to identify the people who do not need to see your financials. In fact, it is to your advantage that they do not. Realtors and property managers fall into this category. It is not to your advantage for a property manager to see what level of financial performance and profit you are expecting from your proposed business. Your future landlord might be justifiably concerned that you have enough capital to pay your rent each month. He may legitimately wish to see a personal financial statement to be reassured that you own some equity in your house, have some funds in your bank account, and are running your household on a positive cash-flow basis. But these concerns can be addressed with your personal financial statement.
You want to avoid putting your landlord in the position of saying to himself: "Wow, this guy's going to be doing 500 cups a day and netting $120,000 a year. I'm certainly not going to rent him this kiosk space for $500 a month! I am going to hold firm at $1,000 a month!"
Concept Presentation Plan
Your Concept Presentation Plan-the nonfinancial business plan-should include the following elements:
  • Cover Page
  • Mission Statement
  • The Principals
  • Products
  • Service Philosophy
  • Market Trend Analysis
  • Target Market
  • Marketing Techniques
  • Target Market Locations
  • Sample Menu


Dashain, the greatest festival for Hindus, is associated with the victory of good over evil. Once it begins, it brings feelings of joy, happiness and prosperity to the people. Of all the Dashains I have celebrated, two stand out in memory but for all the wrong reasons.

25 years ago when I was five years old in Chaurjahari, Rukum, my father was away in Kathmandu for business during the days leading up to Dashain. Back then means of communication was virtually non-existent. The postal service was the only option as the age of the Internet and email was yet to dawn and even telephones did not exist in that part of the country.

Therefore all that my family could do was to wait. We had no idea when he would return. All around in the neighbourhood signs of Dashain revelry were abundant. New clothes were being purchased, houses were being repainted and Dashain shopping was in full swing. The hallmarks of the festival are new clothes, sweets, festivities and meat dishes. Even at that age I remember the anxiety I felt about my father’s return. I badly wanted new clothes which I was aware my mother could could not provide.

Fulpati came and went but there was no sign of my father. I used to keep a vigil on the road leading to the airport in the hope of making him appear. Fulpati is the traditional day for the slaughter of the festival goat but due to my father’s absence, we delayed the slaughter for his return. I was in great despair. I had no new clothes and nothing to be excited about. My entire family including grandmother, grandfather, mother, uncle, aunt and younger siblings were on the verge of desperation. Since like me, my father is also the eldest son in his generation, his presence was invaluable, as the first born son is accorded great importance in society.

Sattami too came and went and our Dashain goat remained unslaughtered. Desperation about my father continued to increase. Finally on Ashthami, to our great joy and relief he arrived on a Royal Nepal Airlines Corporation (now NAC) flight. The goat was dutifully slaughtered and all was well again. I. for one, was ecstatic. My father had brought lots of sweets and clothes for me and I felt like some sort of a celebrity in my village with my brand new cap and clothes. Our Dashain celebrations began late that year but they were more special than ever.

The other memorable Dashain in my life was memorable for all the wrong reasons. Our family had gone to Nepalgunj for the festivities. On the day of Ashthami all of us were working on the Kol, a wooden apparatus used to extract mustard oil in the traditional and manual method. My father and uncles were moving the handle and I was doing the rounds with them. All of a sudden a dog that one my relatives had brought along, attacked and bit me. My family was consumed with worry and I was immediately rushed to the local clinic before being flown to Nepalgunj. That was the end of Dashain celebrations for me that year as my father and me had to spend the rest of the festival in the city, away from home and loved ones. It was only after 22 days that I was able to return home and that too, without my father due to the unavailability of flight tickets.

What is the role of discipline in student life?

The word discipline itself is a derivative of discipulus meaning pupil in Latin root of which is a boy. Broadly, thus it means 'framing oneself when he/she is girl/boy. In practice, it can mean morality, normality, obedience, structuring time including allocation to different needs, bodily care and hygiene, dealing with others in a non-offensive way. Implicitly, this is understood that its for the purpose of acquiring knowledge and skills for living. In this sense, to get disciplined is being a student itself.
Of course, there is a structure at home too but one of the major things we learn at school is structuring time - distributing it in order of priority and dealing with other people who are not necessarily related to you. Thus the more disciplined you become better student you become - not only your knowledge acquisition and health is better (by eating properly in proper times)you also learn to live with others in society.
It also has meant the use of force - punishment - if not disciplined. In negative sense, it may also may mean the use of the exercise of power by adults to children. This, many agree doesn't help the learner. Corporal punishment has significantly decreased and educationists looking for ways to 'discipline' youngsters without using physical force. Now the insistence is thus on 'self-discipline' and teachers/ parents job is to find the ways of encouraging children to be self-disciplined as the use of force have not been so successful and incompatible with civilized society and democratic values.
New area of discipline has been the use of computer for gaming and watching television. Its a challenge for us all to discipline our children (and ourselves). Even in practical sense how to balance your browsing and your learning needs? At least, it demands from the side of parents and teachers that we are familiar with the need of learning and the scope of these gadgets!


This  essay “Importance of forests” is for the college and school students to get an overall idea about this
Forests are gifts of nature. Human evolution itself has taken place in the forests. A large part of humanity still lives deep inside forests, particularly in the tropical and the equatorial regions of the earth. Yet with the spread of civilization man has not only spurned the forests but has been ruthlessly destroying them. It is on historical record that the vast Sahara desert of today once used to be full of thick forests. But the men of ancient civilizations hacked at these forests with a vengeance inviting doom for themselves. The scenario today is not much different, alas. And in our country the situation is much worse.
India’s forest area is hardly 23 per cent of the total land area which is at least 10 per cent less than the world average. It has been estimated that India has lost around 4 millions hectares of forests land since its independence. Fortunately, under Nehru’s dynamic leadership, the regressive trend was arrested with the formulation of a National Forest policy in 1952, under which the forest area in the country was to be steadily raised to at least a third of the total land area. The government has been taking more and more steps towards the conservation of forests, and through social forestry systematic a forestation has been going on in all parts of the country.
Why is conservation of forests and wild-life so important? The destruction of the forests and the wild-life in them will mean the gravest hazard to the ecological balance. The forests and wild-life are almost inextricably bound up with each other. The flora and the fauna are mutually linked up for their existence. They constitute a cycle of nature which if distributed if in any segment will spell doom for the natural world, and hence for man. If we keep on cutting the forests and killing the wild animals, we will only be seriously undermining the ecological balance which is so vital for our own survival. In fact, the forest, the wild animal and man constitute the fundamental triangle of nature, with forests as the baseline. Break any of the sides of this triangle of nature and the whole system will ultimately collapse.
Deforestation leads to denudation and erosion which in turn brings about infertility of soil and failure of rains. It creates a vicious circle. If you destroy vegetation, you accelerate erosion, which leads to desertification, therefore no more rains, and no more vegetation. The whole system of ecological functioning is so complex and intertwined with vegetation, bio-mass and wild-life that so separate them from one another is just impossible. And man’s survival is vitally bound up with the maintenance of this ecological balance.
We cannot over-emphasize the importance of the forests in maintaining the ecological balance of nature. They conserve the soil, regulate the rainfall and the floods and maintain the eco-system of the flora and the fauna. They provide us with forest products in the form of wood, leaves, herbs, gums, resin and a thousand other useful materials, providing livelihood to thousands of people. They protect and sustain the lives of millions and millions of wild-life creatures, from the tiniest insects to the mightiest pachyderms.

importance of music

What would life be without music? The world wouldbe a very quiet place. Music is in many ways the fabric of ourlives and the definition of society. It is a reminder of how thingsonce were, an indication of how things are, and a view of wheresociety is headed. Music is a direct reflection of the picture ofsociety. Music can be a way to deliver messages, a poeticmedium, a fine art, or nothing more than a source ofentertainment. No matter what it is used for, music is the perfectart and our lives would be that much less complete without itthat life as we know it would not at all be the same without Music is the perfect art. It has movement, because itprogresses over a set period of time. All musical works have abeginning and an end. However, music does not restrict theaudience in the way that movies or graphic art does. Thelistener can create whatever image she or he wants to whenlistening to music. It is an art that appeals to the conscious mind,but the best music also appeals to the subconscious. Nothought is required to enjoy good music, though it is often Instrumental music does not bind the listener into a

Music has changed the artistic and non-artistic worldimmeasurably, such that a world without music is nothing morethan a terrifying fantasy. It is as fundamentally inherentas gravity is in the universe. They would take place insilence, a drab, dark world of nothing. Lyrics make it easier forcomposers to bring out their main ideas without expressing themin notesA'not all composers have the power of Beethoven!However, they restrict the images of the musical work in thesame way that prose and poetry limit their subject. It would seem to be like a silent film, with no incidental ortheme music to augment the otherwise bland actors. AriverA*s flowing sound fills out the harmony. A day in a world without music might proceed like this:One would awaken to the sound of a radio announcer speakingabout politics. The work day would beterribly boring, since the office would not have any decorations(these would have been made by artists who had beeninfluenced by music).. The rustle of leaves in the wind is the highest string section. The evening movie would be almostmute. With mankind being surrounded by natureA*sMusic, he has no choice but to make music of his own. Teenagers turn topopular music for their philosophies and get a sense of theirplace in the world. MusicA*s socialinfluence is ever-present.